Monday, January 13, 2014

Independent News

Barking Blondes: A question from the Big Brother house. Do animals have souls?, Notebook

By Independent

Barking Blondes: A question from the Big Brother house. Do animals have souls?

The Celebrity Big Brother house isn’t usually known for being the background to stimulating conversation. That is, however, until this week. A discussion between – wait for it – journalist Liz Jones and boxing champ, Evander Holyfield ended with the question “Do animals have souls?”
By  | Notebook | Sunday, 12 January 2014 at 4:00 am
iBet: Manchester United 3/1 To Suffer A Record Ten Premier League Defeats, Sport

By Independent

iBet: Manchester United 3/1 To Suffer A Record Ten Premier League Defeats

Bookmakers are betting on how many losses Manchester United are going to suffer in the league this season, with Paddy Power going 11/4 that they will be beaten eight times and 11/4 nine times.
By  | Sport | Saturday, 11 January 2014 at 1:24 pm
Friday Book Design Blog: The Academy of British Cover Design is looking for the best British covers of 2013, Arts

By Independent

Friday Book Design Blog: The Academy of British Cover Design is looking for the best British covers of 2013

This blog being obviously all about great book cover design, how could I not give a shout out to this new award, inaugurated this year, for the best in British book cover design?@
The nattily named Academy of British Cover Design are looking for nominations for the best covers for books published during 2013 by British [...]
By  | Arts | Friday, 10 January 2014 at 4:43 pm
Are you afraid of the cold? Winter Wild Camping is the cure, Notebook

By Independent

Are you afraid of the cold? Winter Wild Camping is the cure

In a fug after too many hours in centrally-heated, artificially-lit, torpor? My self-prescribed cure is to go wild camping.
Just me and the dog, no tent, pretty basic, to the windy, beautiful Gower peninsula in south Wales. I’ve slept without a tent before, but only in the summer, and not on my own. This was a step up.
By  | Notebook | Friday, 10 January 2014 at 4:41 pm
New money for councils to tackle rogue landlords, Property

By Independent

New money for councils to tackle rogue landlords

Plus, housing most important issue say Londoners, new highs for loans and house prices
By  | Property | Friday, 10 January 2014 at 1:54 pm

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